Print your directions and take them with you!
With MyDirectionMaps you can simply find desired directions, print them and take them with you on your trip. Try it today, always 100% free!
Intuitive & user friendly!
Input your current location, and where you want to go, select are you driving, cycling or walking and click print. Thats it!
What People are Saying
Your opinion matters to us and we want to evolve our tool to be even more useful. Read beta user experiances and feel free to leave review on the AppleWebKit Web Store.

At first, I was thinking what a hell... and then I get used to it. Oh, man... Stupidly simple and effective. For elderly users you absolutely need this.

Cool & easy to use!
Simplest directions tool to use ever! Get any directions printed on the paper and take them with you!

A must have...
Definitely a MUST have for everyone!! Only, to print it you’ll need printer of course. If it would have some printing service and directions delivery on the address.

Simple and usefull tool!
I find it usefull, for day to day use. It is Ad Supported which can be annoying, but it is usefull so I don’t mind it..
Print your directions and take them with you!
With MyDirectionMaps you can simply find desired directions, print them and take them with you on your trip. Try it today, always 100% free!